I always use QML with Qt Quick for GUI programming. It’s incredible both for prototyping and larger applications. I find it easy to express myself in QML, because it is so flexible. It’s declarative. You can bind a button’s position to the value of a slider in just one line. Not that you’d ever want to do that, but it shows how easy it is to connect objects together. I really wish the web was written in QML and not HTML.[ref]There have actually been some efforts to make QML a language for the web.[/ref]

Typically, I’m working with both QML and C++. I write high performance and visualization code in C++ and define GUI elements in QML. But today I wanted to use QML and Python together because I’m working on an experiment browser for our lab. Not an experimental browser, but an application that lists all experiments and makes it easy to export data for further analysis.

We have decided to organize the experiments as HDF5 files. To read these files I want to use the Python HDF5 package. I could use the C++ HDF5 library, but using Python should hopefully make the application more easily maintainable in the future, also for non-C++ coders in our lab.[ref]Almost everyone in our lab codes in Python and Matlab, but not so many in C++.[/ref] To do this, I figured there were two possibilities: PyQt and PyOtherSide.

In brief (and a bit simplified), PyQt calls Qt code from Python, while PyOtherSide calls Python code from QML. The difference isn’t really that big, so it just boils down to where the business logic resides. I figured that PyOtherSide would be the better option for us, because it allows everyone to help out with the Python code without learning anything about Qt. PyQt would on the other hand require everyone to have at least some understanding of the Qt framework to make changes in the code. More of the business logic will have to take place in QML, though.

PyOtherSide is really simple in use. You just define a Python object in QML and this loads modules and files from the Qt resource file (qrc). Once loaded, Python functions can be called from QML and their results are automatically converted from Python types to Qt types:

[code]import io.thp.pyotherside 1.3

Python {
property bool ready: false

function loadData() {
if(!ready) {
call(“hdf5_loader.read_experiments”, [], parseData)

function parseData(result) {
for(var i in result) {
var element = result[i]

Component.onCompleted: {
importModule(“hdf5_loader”, function() {
ready = true

As you can see, all Python calls are asynchronous. You can also make synchronous Python calls, but this is not recommended because it could cause the QML GUI to stall while waiting for the results.

The Python code in this case is just a simple function that returns a dictionary:

def read_experiments():  
return \{\{"experimenter": "test", "date": "2015-10-26"}, {"experimenter": "test2", "date": "2015-10-25"\}\}

Now I just need to make this code read and parse real HDF5 files.